You have make your own Library with this tutorial How to create your own Machine Library.
But you want, like NI Expansion Product, add your specific Product to your Library like that :
There's no problem, I write a Python script to inject the Product name, Bank name & Sub-Bank name in your Groups (.mxgrp) and Sounds (.mxsnd).
Download the last Python script NIMBank here.
Be careful, this script is deliver "as is" and the manipulation is at your own risk.This script is write with reverse ingeenering. It's not write by NI or with NI Information.Save your files before.
In my example, I have to finish the Bank Cinematics for the 99Sounds Library.
The file is locate on my hard disc here :
Open Terminal.app
Go to the folder you have unzip NIMBank.py and use NIMBank like that
$ python3 NIMBank.py -p "99Sounds" -b "Cinematics" -r /Users/Shared/Maschine\ User/99Sounds/Cinematic\ Sound\ EffectsSelect the folder in the finder and drop to to Terminal.app
- -a : add/modify/clear Author
- -v : add/modify/clear Vendor
- -c : add/modify/clear Comment
- -p : change the name of the Product
- -b : add/modify/clear Bank name
- -s : add/modify/clear Sub-bank name
- -e : export NKS Map Data from nki, nmsv or nksn to file.map
- -i : import file.map (NKS Map) to nki, nmsv or nksn file
- -r : recursive mode. Change all supported files in folder and sub-folder.
Launch Maschine or Komplete Kontrol, go to Preferences... > Library > User and rescan you library.
You can add your custom Artwork (with the same name like your Product Name) in the NIRessource folder.
You can add your custom Artwork (with the same name like your Product Name) in the NIRessource folder.
If you want help to use NIMBank
$ python3 NIMBank.py -hTo clear the Bank and sub-bank data to your files
$ python3 NIMBank -b -r /Users/Shared/Maschine\ User/99Sounds/Cinematic\ Sound\ Effects
I have tried this all i get in windows is File "Nimbank.py, line 56 print "BankTag:x02 (Just bank) any suggestions?
ReplyDeleteI don't use windows so, it's more difficult to help you.
Delete1. Download and install python
2. launch command line (cmd)
3. into the command line, go to the NIMBank.py
4. execute .\NIMBank.py -h
5. If the help infotmation print to screen, it's good....
Hello! Thank you for creating this! I may have made a mistake and some how added a blank expansion in my USER GROUP - now when I browse user Expansions on the MK3, the groups/banks in the each Expansions are offset by one Expansion. Example I select Expansion A on the MK3, I see the groups/banks for Expansion B. Any ideas on how to delete the empty Expansion?