NimBank Tool Update v5.x


NimBank Tool v5

New release for the NiMBank Tool v5.x, the tool to tag some Native Instruments products
(Maschine, Massive, FM8, Reaktor New, Battery, Kontakt, NKS and Wav Files).

What's new

NimBank Tool v5 is a completely rewrite version... so, it's a big update. 
I add RegEx option and Wav file modification (KeyRoot, Velocity, ...)
For more information use -h option.

There are perhaps some bugs... please report with -d option (debug mode).


      Download the last NimBank v5 version 

      More Information

      There's a tutorial here.
      A discussion an NI Forum (Thx to D-One for the software support and tutorials...)
      And read the other NimBank articles...


      # 5.8 : Correct Wav modification
      # 5.7 : Correct : delete existing data_NI & size_dataNI
      # 5.6 : Correct Data_NI_length : add +8 (header lenght)
      # 5.5 : Minor cosmetic update
      # 5.4 : Correct bug add subbank 
      # 5.3 : Bug Correct regAnalyse
      # 5.2 : Add Wav file modification (KeyRoot, Velocity, ...)
      # 5.1 : Add Regex support -x
      # 5.0 : Rewrite script
      # 4.3 : Modify -l and add -V (verbose mode)
      # 4.2 : Test if file is NI hsin/dsin file
      # 4.1 : Change decode data : struct.unpack to int.from_bytes
      # 4.0 : Add nrkt file (Reaktor file)
      # 4.0 : Modify search data in file
      # 4.0 : Modify hsin length indication
      # 4.0 : Modify bank/subbank modification
      # 4.0 : Add Correct hsin length process for file modify before v4.0 (--niheaderCorrect)
      # 3.0e: Update umsgpack to v2.7.2
      # 3.0e: Bug Correct Modify_Header_NIsi_NKSF clear subbank
      # 3.0d: Bug Correct bytes-like object is required, not 'str'
      # 3.0d: Add Battery support (*.nkbd file)
      # 3.0c: Migrate to Github
      # 3.0b: Compatible to Python 3 - Correct Bank & Subbank modification
      # 3.0a: Update umsgpack to 2.7.1
      # 2.8g: Add FM8 support
      # 2.8f: Bug Correct list & modify corrupt NKS files (bank/subbank/uuid)
      # 2.8e: Add clear Macro for nks files
      # 2.8d: Bug Correct header file length
      # 2.8c: Bug Windows MMP... No tested on Windows OS 
      # 2.8b: Correct bug (export_map)
      # 2.8 : ADD create nksf from preset 
      # 2.8 : ADD nksf nksfx support
      # 2.7 : Correct Delete NKS map & Correct minor bug
      # 2.6 : ADD NKS map to massive file (nmsv)
      # 2.5 : Import/Export NKS data for nksm and nki FIle
      # 2.4 : Add nksn support (snapshoot)
      # 2.3 : Tag reader... AT WORK.
      # 2.2 : Add nkm & nki support (Kontakt file)
      # 2.0 : Add option delete Maschine Macro description for Massive files - Add mxprj support
      # 1.9 : Correction file corrupt if modify author & vendor
      # 1.8 : Add csv and xml export file information
      # 1.7 : Add name, vendor, author, comment add/delete/modification
      # 1.6 : Reorganize code
      # 1.5 : Add Massive support
      # 1.4 : Add Sub Bank
      # 1.3 : Recursive Mode
      # 1.2 : Stable version


      1. Hy Guys! Everytime I re-encode a .nki with nimbank, Komplete Kontrol in the Effect Chain view identify it as "drumasonic Xplosive". There is a way to change that?

        1. Hello
          I want more information to help you. Report the nimbank output with -d.
          Which version of komplete k ?

        2. Hey Odie, sorry the dely in replying.

          My steps:
          1. Opened my .nki in Komplete Kontrol, added the controls in knobs, save the nksn file.
          2. Extracted the header from the .nksn file to the .map file
          3. Imported the header to the .nki file.

          When i open the kni inside Kontrol ou Maschine, i saw that "drumasonic Xplosive" name.

          Here is the output from the .nki with the imported header:

          ←[1mREAD NI HEADER←[0m
          Your plateform is Windows
          dataNI_index:435 - dataNI_length:574
          NAME index:495 - nbcar:31
          AUTHOR index:561 - nbcar:17
          VENDOR index:599 - nbcar:17
          COMMENT index:637 - nbcar:0
          BANKID index:677
          |Bankid x02 (just bank)
          PRODUCT index:681 - nbcar:22
          BANK index:729 - nbcar:7
          SUBBANK index:729 - nbcar:0
          ←[1mREAD NI HEADER←[0m
          Your plateform is Windows
          dataNI_index:435 - dataNI_length:574
          NAME index:495 - nbcar:31
          AUTHOR index:561 - nbcar:17
          VENDOR index:599 - nbcar:17
          COMMENT index:637 - nbcar:0
          BANKID index:677
          |Bankid x02 (just bank)
          PRODUCT index:681 - nbcar:22
          BANK index:729 - nbcar:7
          SUBBANK index:729 - nbcar:0
          ←[1mPRINT DATA←[0m


        3. The Kontrol Version is the 3.1.0 but it happens in older versions also.

        4. Hi Oddie! More info: When inside Komplete Kontrol and I load Kontakt without opening any library/nki, it shows the same name in the plugin chain view. I can't send prints here... Some libaries when I open inside kontakt inside Komplete Kontrol shows the lib name but no image. Other shows name and image. My libraries do not show nor the right name or the image. Just as aditional info: I build my libraries to show the image in the new browser view.

        5. Thanks for your continuous development of this project!
          New regex stuff has me confused, changing a the Product tag with for example:

          python3 -p "test" -r /Users/MyName/Desktop/TEST_FOLDER/
          Tags things such as .mxgrp files correctly but not .wav, trows an error:

          SyntaxWarning: invalid escape sequence '\.'
          regex = "^" + regex; regex = regex.replace(".", "\."); regex = regex.replace("*", ".*")

        6. Hi, I'm looking for a way to change the Brand and add tags with Character and Sound Type values in order to better categorize the plugins I've downloaded. Doesn't seem that Nimbank supports that yet. Could that happen in a future update?

      2. Hi, I'm trying to change the value of Brand (which for many 3rd party libs is blank) and the tags Character and Sound Type in order to better categorize my plugins. It seems like Nimbank can't do this yet. Is this something that might be supported eventually?


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