Radiophonic Atmospheres Library for Maschine

Radiophonic Atmospheres

Radiophonic Atmospheres is a free library crafted by Red Sky Lullaby for 99Sounds.
By blending mystical analog atmospheres, eerie granular textures and mind bending rhythmic loops into a perfect sonic mixture, the author has created an exciting sound library that is sure to inspire and get your creative juices flowing.This library is convert to Maschine (from Native Instrument)

Product Structure :

  • Library : 99Sounds
    • Bank : Radiophonic
      • 99 Samples (44,1Khz / 24bits)
      • 98 Sounds 

Download this library for Maschine

Another information

If you make another Group or Sound, share it, and I can add your work to the Library.
More Maschine Library


- V2.00 : Initial release
